Welcome to tryagain’s documentation!

tryagain.call(func, max_attempts=None, exceptions=<class 'Exception'>, wait=0.0, cleanup_hook=None, pre_retry_hook=None)
  • (callable) (func) – The function to retry. No arguments are passed to this function. If your function requires arguments, consider defining a separate function or use functools.partial / a lambda function.
  • max_attempts – Any integer number to limit the maximum number of attempts. Set to None for unlimited retries.
  • exceptions – A tuple of exceptions that should result in a retry.
  • wait – This can be an integer / float to specify the waittime in seconds before the next attempt. You can also pass a function which accepts a single argument ‘attempt’.
  • cleanup_hook – Can be set to a callable and will be called after an exception is raised from calling func. No arguments are passed to this function. If your function requires arguments, consider defining a separate function or use functools.partial / a lambda function.
  • pre_retry_hook – Can be set to any callable that will be called before function is called. No arguments are passed to this function. If your function requires arguments, consider defining a separate function or use functools.partial / a lambda function. If wait is set, pre_retry_hook will be called before the waittime. Exceptions that are raised when calling this hook are not caught.

The result of calling the given func.

Any exception which is
  • not in the given exceptions
  • raised in pre_retry_hook or in cleanup_hook
  • raised in the last attempt at calling func

Indices and tables